Tablet to Table is a unique solution to mange, mentor and monitor workgroups inside classroom.
it consists of a digital display multimedia table and three main mobile applications:
Teacher App
Group Leader App
Student APP
Tablet To Table is a 1stClassroom TM registered invention by
Rabih Baalbaki & Najoua Zhar and soul distributor is GET offshore Lebanon.
We supplied more the 1000 school and the main concern of
schools and teachers to find a solution that easily manage classroom groups as
collaboration of the main 4Cs for the 21st century learning.
we invent a Tablet to Table and supplied the teachers with a
full easy control mobile apps
1-Teacher App used by teacher to controls, mentor and
monitor up to 8 Groups and assigns activities
2-Leader App used by one selected student leader for the
group where his tablet is connected to the digital table display and by WIFI to
his group mates to collect and lead group content for the activity assigned by
3-Students App used by students within the group to create,
collaborate, and critically think and finally Connect and share to the leader
APP by one drag and drop swap
Ten Top Reasons to use TABLET TO TABLE Technology:
1- Students control the content at centralized display by
their own Tablets .
2- Students avoid disease exchange due touching same table
3- Students can charge their Tablets directly from the centralized
4- Students can work even individually and collaborators.
5- Wi-Fi wireless connection can work offline and online
through the built-in router inside the centralized table
6- Teacher will easily control, monitor and mentor the
groups as dealing with maximum 6 leaders at each group.
7- Students can swap created content to right and left sides
classmates to collaborate on content also to the leader centralized digital
display table
8- No need for a built in centralized computer as the assigned
leader of the group just connect his tablet through HDMI cable to the
centralized digital display.
9- All groups are connected wirelessly to the teacher's
application PC in the same time teacher's PC is connected to the Projector or
interactive board to mentor and monitor workgroups.
10- Students can record videos, take snapshots of tangible
works or labs activities and share it with the students, leaders and teacher
and this site is not responsible for it