Technical Training
Technical Training is a core skill for the Partner/Trainer to be able to manage and handle the ongoing standards required by Promethean.
Promethean products change yearly so it is therefore critical the Partner is providing a dedicated resource to handle the ongoing requirements of being up to date:
Note* It is not necessarily the responsibility of the trainer to handle technical details.
Role of educational trainer and Technical should be aware of each other but kept separate to ensure delivery of each skill is maintained.
Technical training is divided into two essential areas as mentioned below:
1. Technical Support & ActivBoard System Troubleshooting
2. ActivBoard installation.
Sequence in the technical training should start with exploring and sharing technical issues and troubleshooting first and then followed with ActivBoard installation and techniques to ensure full knowledge transfer of the system for the Partner . Below are the main training sections for it :
Course Output
An overview of the technical solutions and how dedicated and activated the development service in the educational and commercial sectors.
Identify the ActivBoard system parts
Identify the ActivBoard system technical specifications
Dealing with the technical issues
Communication ways with the technical support team
How to communicate with the technical support team?
Technical specifications of the ActivBoard , accessories and the otherdevices
Evolution stages for the ActivBoard technically
and this site is not responsible for it